Fairy Chimneys Travel is committed to upholding the Privacy Act 1988 (and Amendment 2000) which outlines how organisations should manage and use personal and sensitive information collected and held about their customers.

What type of personal information do we collect?

At Fairy Chimneys Travel, we will only collect personal information which is necessary to provide you with a travel service or product. When we collect your personal information, we will tell you why the information is collected, who it will be shared with, and inform you of the consequences if all or only part of the information is not provided to us.

Examples of personal information that maybe collected by us includes: name, address, marital status and date of birth. In the instance of providing tour packages and airfares we will also collect information that may include: telephone numbers, email address, special diet requirements, insurance requirements and health details.

On our web site we collect data to help us determine which pages are most popular, peak usage times and other information that helps us make our web site easier and more efficient for you to use. When you visit our web site we ask you to register your name and e-mail address with us and set a "cookie" on your machine (this is a small piece of system information stored on your hard drive) so when you next visit our site it links to your personal information that is stored on our system. If you do not wish us to use a cookie you can set your browser so it will not accept them.

How we manage your personal information

At Fairy Chimneys Travel we will not disclose any personal information to a third party except as permitted by law and in accordance with the Privacy Act. Fairy Chimneys Travel has privacy standards that must be met for all arrangements between Fairy Chimneys Travel and third parties.

We will take steps to ensure that the information we hold about you is accurate when we use or disclose it. If you think that we hold information about you that is incorrect in any way, please contact us.

We will take all reasonable measures to protect personal information that we hold from misuse, loss and unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. We will, where practicable, destroy or permanently de-identify personal information that is no longer needed.

How to Access Your Personal Information

You may have access to the personal information Fairy Chimneys Travel holds on your behalf on request, except in circumstances where access may be denied under the Privacy Act. Fairy Chimneys Travel reserves the right to determine the manner in which the information is accessed. If we deny you access we will provide you with a reason and, depending on the circumstances of the denial, we may provide sufficient access to information through mutually agreeable intermediaries to meet the needs of both parties

If you request access to your personal information, you may be charged a fee for costs incurred such as photocopying, administration and postage.

Privacy Complaints

If you have any queries or complaints in regard to our collection, use or management of your personal information, please contact our office through your normal channels or in writing to Fairy Chimneys Travel. If we cannot satisfactorily resolve your concerns you may contact the Privacy Commissioner in writing:

Director of Compliance
Office of Federal Privacy Commissioner
GPO Box 5218
Sydney NSW 1042